Wherever You Are Up To

One of the challenges is that most people have a confusion of borrowed beliefs and wisdom rattling around in their heads. And these days, even a lot of people who follow an established religion are starting to mix and match its writings to fit in with their own lives.  

Especially in Western culture, people have been borrowing mysticism from the Eastern religions and mixing it with inspirational or motivational quotes that actually come from a reaction to the Eastern belief in Fate.   
Encapsulated within these motivational ideas is the belief that ‘It’s up to you to change your life’, and the notion that you are one hundred percent in control of what happens to you.  
These ideas are usually circulated by successful outgoing people who are confident and driven. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren’t that way inclined so the strategy doesn’t quite fit them or their lives. And so a state of limbo exists for the majority of people, as they look out at a world that seems to have things figured out and is fulfilled in their pursuits.  

But where does fulfillment come from? Does it come from the belief in a god, from giving up all of the trappings of modern society, or clearing your mind and making a ‘connection’ with the universe? Does it come from an activity you enjoy or a job you love? And is your own fulfillment even a goal that will bring good things to your life?  

You can  guess at the answers to these questions, but even if you do guess you may never truly know the answers.  And what do you really know anyway? Let’s start there. You are who you are. You are living a life. Things are happening in your life. Things have happened in your life. The things that have happened have affected you and have changed you into who you are.  

Now you have something to work with. Forget all the rest of it. So what can you do now? You can start by seeing everything that happens in your life as important, because it is. You can notice what your thoughts are and label these as important. Your feelings too need to be noted. They are, after all, the landscape for your whole life.
Having an enhanced sense of what is going on inside you and around you is not a lot different to what you have always done in your life, of course. Everybody is aware of how they feel and what is going on. But now you are purposefully doing it, and having a purpose makes everything seem different. Now you are doing it with the goal of becoming more enhanced. Now everything that happens feels like it has a point.  
And it does. But there is a long way to go and a lot to experience, however old you are and wherever you think you are up to in your life. So strap in.


Unlocking Resilience: Embracing Life's Challenges and Transforming Character

