
The history of humanity is filled with various ideologies and belief systems. And most of these were born out of a fear of something or other. But they all have another thing in common, and that is that they are all trying to explain what life is. The problem with this is that to explain something you have to use words.  

Words can be interpreted in different ways by different people. So potentially, two people could read the same thing, but get a different meaning from it. And to have any hope of getting the same meaning they would have to share some common ground. They would have to have had similar life experiences, or share similar ideas about how the world works. Without this, discussions about more complex matters cannot be achieved.
Sometimes though, you really connect with what someone is saying and with what they mean. It makes perfect sense. And as you internalize it, it becomes your truth. It becomes part of who you are, for a while.  

Recently, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to be interviewed by the Subkit team about Enhanced Sense Living. Subkit are interviewing people with small businesses in their Go Solo series about entrepreneurs. Their aim is to share advice to people who want to start a company of their own.   

But as I was answering their questions, I started thinking about how the readers would interpret what I was saying and whether my meaning would carry over to them. Also, I had to be sure that I was giving advice from a place of truly wanting to help people who were interested, and answering without any arrogance or vanity. If I was doing that then that was the best way forward . Checking our motivations before we start something will always bring the right results.

A big thanks to the Subkit team. Read the full interview here: Go Solo Interview.


Wherever You Are Up To


A Guide to Enhanced Sense Living