Living in the Way that Benefits Us the Most

  • We all need to take care of ourselves, both mentally and physically, and we all have varying degrees of knowledge and experience in how to do this. However, there is another area that requires even more of our attention, and that is taking care of our lives.

    Of course, we are living our lives, and our lives are happening to us. But how we live our lives and what is happening to us are things we need to actively be aware of and participate in. Unlike our mental and physical health, knowing how to take care of our lives is less clear and challenging to get right because it requires constant attention. However, there are a number of things that we definitely should and shouldn't do when living our lives to benefit ourselves the most.

    We should know all the important things we need to do in our daily lives. So, at some point during our day, we need to make time to clearly acknowledge to ourselves what those things are. Doing this helps our day and our lives fit together better. It's not about the right order of doing these things but rather having them in mind so that other tasks can fit in around them more intuitively.

    When we talk about ourselves to others, we shouldn't expect the things we discuss to seem as big or as important to them as they are to us. What feels significant to us will appear smaller to others because every detail of our lives is magnified, making even the tiniest problems and changes feel enormous.

    When we are with people and they share about themselves, as people often do, we should reflect on whether we have experienced similar emotions. We are all people and not so different from each other, so it's essential to consider how others handle those emotions compared to ourselves. This comparison helps us understand if we are being controlled by our emotions in the same way as others or if we can take a step back from our experiences.

    Similarly, when we are with people, we shouldn't constantly share all our ideas and opinions with them. It's not fair to express our thoughts anytime we want to. While it may seem normal and natural to us, what we're truly doing is essentially unloading all our emotions onto them, which can affect people.

    We also shouldn't underestimate the importance of our thoughts and actions. The thoughts we have and the things we do are meaningful because we are experiencing the most crucial period in our lives. This time is filled with opportunities, so nothing that happens should go unnoticed.

    Another thing we shouldn't do is compare ourselves to others. We have a natural tendency to believe that other people's lives are easier than our own and that we face tougher challenges. While our lives may indeed be challenging, we don't go around displaying it to everyone we know, and neither do they. We often can't see or fully understand what others are going through.

    Additionally, when interacting with people we know, we should always aim to engage with them in a non-competitive manner and never assume that we know more than they do. Regardless of their age or who they are, we should always listen to what they are saying from a position of support.

    Lastly, we should always be aware of how our lives feel and acknowledge the good things in our lives today. This means being hypersensitive to everything that's going on so that we don't miss anything.


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