Memories That are Showing You Something Important

  • The way that you feel about the world around you, or more precisely, the way that the world seems to you, is not always the same. In other words, your reality is not consistent. And, of course, to a certain extent, it is because of your emotions. If you are happy, then life feels good. But there is another layer behind those emotions that shapes how you perceive your reality.

    Your reality is made up of what you believe to be true about the world, what you know about the world around you, and also the kind of person you believe yourself to be. And the person you are now does not see the world in the same way as the person you were last year or twenty years ago. You have changed, and you can't change back again.

    Sometimes you will find yourself thinking back on your life and remembering emotions that you had in certain situations. And often, these memories give you a brief glimpse of how you saw the world at that time. And you can benefit a lot from reminiscing about the past because it reconnects you with a sense of who you were and who you are now. In other words, it is a thread that you can follow to discover the real you.

    As you go through your life, you change and grow. And as you get older, you forget who you were and what you used to be like. But at your core, the person that has always been you is the same. So, looking back at yourself and seeing with your mind through those younger eyes is the way to connect to who you have always been.

    As you get older, life gets busier, and other things jostle for importance and your attention. And you rarely get any respite where you can really be yourself. So it's important to reconnect your past self to yourself now, and to do that, you can follow the thread from a point in the past to the present time. But I don't mean you need to look at every detail. Use only important events and changes, decisions that you made, and the main people who influenced you.

    You should regularly review your past and remember how you got from one point to the next and what brought about those changes. And also, remind yourself why you think your life became what it is today. And it's not necessary to fully review your life at one time, of course. But when a certain period of your past comes into your mind, spend some time consciously reviewing it.

    To get the most out of these reviews, you need to know what you are looking at and why they are important for you. For example, the times that make you feel embarrassed when you remember them are key moments in your life. When you look back at times in the past and feel embarrassed, it is reminding you of a time you acted poorly. And you can use that humility to never act in the same way again. Also, feeling embarrassed hits the reset button on your level of confidence and keeps your ego in check. Self-confidence is good up to a point, but too much doesn't benefit you.

    Remembering times when you had emotional pain is, of course, important too. These memories, which often come back to you again and again, show you how far you have moved on from the pain and how much, if at all, the pain is still affecting you. But emotional pain from the past is also a link between the kind of person you were before and the person you are today, so it's worth spending some time remembering what it felt like to be that person.

    Remembering your past is not random. Some memories replay over and over again. Pay attention to them. What are they showing you, and why is that relevant to you right now? Of course, you can learn from your past, but more than that, if you are reconnecting with your true self and coming to terms with everything that has happened, then this will benefit your life now and in the future.


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